PCB Surface Finish Gold vs Nickel

November 19, 2021

PCB Surface Finish Gold vs Nickel

When it comes to the surface finish of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), there are different options that can be used. Two of the most popular options are gold and nickel. But what are the differences between these options? Let's dive into the details and find out!

Gold Surface Finish

Gold is highly conductive and has excellent corrosion resistance, which makes it a popular choice for PCB surface finish. Gold also offers superior wear resistance and is highly valuable, although its high cost can be a drawback.

Here are some of the significant benefits of using gold as a surface finish:

  • Excellent conductivity
  • High wear resistance
  • Corrosion-resistant
  • Highly valuable in terms of scrap value

Despite gold’s advantages, the drawback of using it is its high cost per unit area. For high-reliability applications and in devices intended for harsh environments and long life, gold finishing is a popular choice.

Nickel Surface Finish

Nickel is an excellent conductor and is widely used as a barrier layer between the copper pad of a PCB and other PCB surface finishes. Some of the benefits of using nickel surface finish include:

  • Excellent conductivity
  • Suitable as a barrier layer

Nickel surface finish is often used in PCB applications that do not require a high level of contact reliability or wear resistance.


Gold and nickel surface finishes cater to different needs, and the choice between them depends on the context, that is, the purpose and the application. To help you compare the two surface finish options, here are some of the key differences between them:

  • Cost: Gold is more expensive than Nickel per unit area.
  • Contact resistance: Gold has lower contact resistance than nickel.
  • Reliability: Gold is more reliable for high-reliability applications.
  • Wear and corrosion resistance: Gold has excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance, while nickel is less wear-resistant and less corrosion-resistant than gold.

Wrap up

Given the differences between gold and nickel surface finishes, the decision on which type to use depends on the specific requirements of your application.

We hope this post has helped you get a better understanding of the differences between gold and nickel surface finishes. It is important to note that there are other surface finish options available apart from gold and nickel.


  1. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Gold Surface Finish
  2. The Pros and Cons of Nickel Surface Finish

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